Monday, April 1, 2013

Why Am I Afraid Of Insects??

According to buginfoit is estimated that there are some 10 quintillion (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) individual insects alive on earth at any given moment!! Recent figures indicate that there are more than 200 million insects for each human on the planet! A recent article in The New York Times claimed that the world holds 300 pounds of insects for every pound of humans.

OMG....I could faint even thinking about it! Brrrr.... ~.~


Yeah..  I am scared to almost every kind of insects known to human. They're just scary. 
Because they look creepy, ugly, and tend to move quickly and randomly. That's why when I see them I always think that they are chasing me.. I will experience nervousness, racing heart, and feeling of terror.. >,<

So...if I see a cockroach, butterfly, moth, cricket, grasshopper, beetle, ..., I'll freak out and will leave a room never go back until it is removed. I also feel unable to kill it, because I can't bring myself taking the risk to touch it.
Fiuuhh... I know it is irrational. What is it make me so scared of these tiny little creatures? And how to overcome the fear?

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