Friday, November 9, 2012

Chocolate: A Not-So-Guilty Pleasure.. ^__^


Interesting Chocolate Facts You May Not Know:

  1. Research suggests that chocolate was originally used more than 2,500 years ago, beginning in Central America. The Mayan civilization considered Cacao to be a divine gift and so, it was held in high regard. It was used ceremoniously and sometimes as a form of currency. The name 'Cacao' is a Maya word meaning 'god food' which after being introduced to Europe in the 16th century, formed the basis of the Latin name for the Cacao tree 'Theobrama Cacao' meaning 'food for the gods'. It is thought that the word 'cocoa' has come about through a miss-spelling of 'cacao.'
  2. The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word, “Xocolatl”, which ironically means “bitter water”. Not surprising, considering they made a drink, by mixing cacao beans with chillies, achiote, cornmeal, and some reports suggest the inclusion hallucinogenic Mushrooms (probably helped to get over the taste).
  3. More than twice as many women than men eat and crave chocolate.
  4. It is observed that chocolate cravings cannot be satisfied by any sweet/candy other than chocolate itself.
  5. Chocolate produces the effects of a mild anti-depressant by increasing serotonin and endorphin levels in the brain.
  6. Chocolate contains a small quantity of caffeine emulates a mild amphetamine.
  7. Although not scientifically proven, chocolate is believed by many, to be an aphrodisiac. The theory is supported by the fact that chocolate does contain among many chemicals the stimulants: caffeine, theobromine, and phenyethylamine.
  8. Despite being high in fat content, chocolate doesn't appear to raise blood cholesterol levels.
  9. Chocolate makers use 40% of the world's almonds and 20% of the world's peanuts.
Flowers wilt, jewelry tarnishes, and candles burn out...but chocolate doesn't hang around long enough to get old..

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